Monday, September 30, 2013

Info. on Cold Calling

So I came across an article in my Advantages Magazine that gets sent to me every so often, and it had some interesting information that I thought would be helpful to share with everyone. It talks about how you can turn cold calling into "warm calling," and it could be a very effective way to get the most out of your interactions with potential customers. This is especially helpful because I know Bryce (the host of the No Dues Group) hates "sales type" people when they call inquiring about their product. I do, too, but it is the nature of our business. So there's a right way and a wrong way in approaching the cold call angle for your leads.  Here's a few tidbits I am writing down from the magazine article (Advantages, September 2013 issue, pg 35-38):

1) Meet people in casual situations, and talk to them what they want to talk about. Build your network, and then ask for referrals.

2) You need to be informed BEFORE you make a call. This helps "craft a targeted opening statement for an initial e-mail or voice mail" and "pique curiosity" as well as "personalize the call."

3) Be positive and treat the person you are talking to respectfully and professionally

4) Be aware of what will create "a demand for your services" and use that to create "bridges" to your next prospect.

A lot of my "warm calling" has been to schools, churches, and various clubs. It's been a challenge developing the perfect thing to say to get people to direct me in the right direction. In the past, it has not been one of my favorite things to do, but lately, I've actually come to enjoy talking to another adult on the phone. Most people are really nice, and it's probably because I try to hand craft each conversation and ask the right questions. I've actually had some great conversations with strangers, and receive some great research information as well as direct contact to the decision makers. I am hoping that with this new advice, I can secure some new yearbook agreement leads and custom t-shirt orders.

Donna Umali
DMP Printing

Sunday, September 15, 2013

To add to Sophia's Contribution...

I came across an interesting article about sugar. I thought I could just do a quick share:

This is also courtesy of the Business Insider:

How and Why to Stop Eating Sugar

Friday, September 13, 2013

Here's a share from Sophia from Sophia Fitness, our personal trainer expert:

"I like the "compressed mortality " idea in this article: be healthy into an old age and than in just 1-1.5 years you are done!"

The content in this article is a good reminder for some of the things we should do in our lives. Sometimes, we are too busy, too pre-occupied, too focused on the wrong things. Let's take the time to refocus. Find out what is the truth behind all our actions. And be happy!

For all those who want to take the next step to bringing health and nutrition to your lives, Sophia is a wealth of information and passion. She will dedicate her time to making you the best you can be, and when you see the results, you'd be so happy you did.

A Good Article on Passive Barriers

So this morning, we had a talk about various topics, and I mentioned that I read articles from The Business Insider. I find it very enlightening and there were a few things members were talking about that was highlighted in this article. I am sharing it here:

Here's Why Your Friends Aren't Saving Money, Losing Weight Or Cleaning Out Their Garages

Read more:

I know that I can fall off the track...a lot. Such is the problem of working for yourself. As I am writing this blog, I really should be on the phone calling schools and clients or sending out business related emails, but to me blogging is more fun. (*Note: I have taken a break to send out an invoice to order stock since I am thinking about being more productive. See this blog is already working.) We all have to battle within ourselves in order to get the best of yourself and to live a lifestyle that will one day be heathy, worry free, and clean. This road is never easy, but it's nice to get reminders once in a while to put you back on track.

Enjoy the article, and I highly recommend that every join the subscription.


DMP Printing


This is a blog created for the Burbank-Business-Networking-Group-without-Dues that meet on Fridays, 8am at Olive Bistro619 S Olive St  Los Angeles, CA 90014. This is a meet up group so search for us at, and we are always looking for ways to expand, improve, and help each other.

If you are interested in joining our group, we have a few rules:
1) No dues necessary, but if you are hungry, you can purchase breakfast the restaurant
2) No duplication. Once a professional slot is filled, then we can no longer offer that slot to another member of the same category
3) We do not welcome any MLM or direct sales businesses just because it complicates things with the type of marketing it uses.

My name is Donna Umali, and I created this page as a central area where members can post interesting or helpful information for the other team members without it clogging up their emails. Enjoy!